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Classical painting and drawing did not appeal to him and seemed hopelessly outdated. The painting ‘Old Friend’ shows a touching story of friendship between a fisherman and a water dragon.
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Stole his wife from his best friend. Artist John Mille.
After the amazing early paintings were followed by monotypical and boring late ones, and visitors had the feeling that the artist simply wrote out, stopped trying and went to outright hackwork.
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The extravagant artwork and unusual personal life of feminist and artist Leonor Fini
The style and taste of the artist was formed under the influence of Flemish and German painting of the XV century, she was inspired by Italian Mannerism. Lifetime retrospectives of Leonore's artwork appeared in Japan, Belgium, Paris and Italian cities. But in the mid-1990s, after the artist's death, her work was forgotten.
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Не только деньгами, но и натурой. Чем расплачивались заказчики за картины известных художников?
Потом он познакомился с владелицей кафе. Та охотно брала картины, а расплачивалась едой или иногда присылала ему цветы — не для того, чтобы выразить восхищение, а просто чтобы художник, восхитившись их многоцветьем и красотой,
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​Наглый копиист или достойный сын своего отца? Питер Брейгель Младший и его работы.
Они копировали композицию и форму написанных людей и предметов. Достаточно было прикрепить их к доске, обвести карандашом и готовый набросок картины готов. Он был неплохим мастером, благодаря его стараниям и менее обеспеченные люди могли приобщиться к живописи.
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Japanese artist who painted an engraving that shocked Europeans. Hokusai's "Great Wave" and its hidden meaning.
In the Land of the Rising Sun, ideally, it is customary to study throughout your life. You need to have a lot of imagination to paint 100 views of the same Mount Fuji. Perhaps the engraving is the artist’s attempt to show the frailty and vanity of people.
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Demolished the Vendôme Column in Paris and painted paintings that were not understood by critics. Disgraced artist Gustave Courbet.
“How could such a huge canvas, worthy of epic subjects, depict a miserable funeral in a small village? Where is the perspective, the composition, why are the characters just standing in a row?”
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